The Respiratory System, Cough and Sputum

Respiration is the release energy from glucose or other organic chemicals. Chemical energy of glucose can be used to provide the energy needed for growth, repair and movement. In fact most things you do need energy.

These tools include the respiratory function of air containing oxygen and remove the air containing carbon dioxide and water vapor. The purpose of the respiratory process is to obtain energy. In the event occurred breathe energy release

Division of Respiratory System
• Nose, nostrils, sinus paranasalis, pharynx
• Breathing Under
• larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli

Respiratory System Function
• Taking the oxygen and carbon dioxide transfer
• Product talk
• acid-base balance
• Defense of the body against foreign substances
• Regulating blood pressure hormone
• Respiratory top

Breathing Process

Breathing involves two processes that incorporate air or inhale and exhale breathing or breathing the air out. Breathing is called inspiration and the breath is called expiratory.
At the time of breath, muscle. Originally the position of the diaphragm is now a straight curve upwards so that the chest cavity to expand. This is called abdominal breathing. Along with the contraction of the diaphragm muscle, the rib muscles also contract so that the chest cavity. This is called chest breathing. Due to the expansion of the chest cavity, the pressure in the chest cavity is reduced, so that air from outside in through the nose then finally air through the respiratory tract into the lungs, so the lungs inflate. Exhalation due melemasnya diaphragm muscle and the muscles of the ribs and also assisted with the muscle belly. The diaphragm becomes curved upward, ribs down to the bottom and move toward the inside, as a result the chest cavity smaller so that the pressure in the chest cavity increases. With the increase of pressure in the chest cavity, the air from the lungs out through the respiratory tract.

is not a disease. Coughing is the body's defense mechanism in the respiratory tract and is a symptom of a disease or the body's reaction to irritation in the throat caused by mucus, food, dust, smoke and so forth. Cough due to certain stimuli, such as dust on cough receptor (nose, respiratory tract, even ears). Then the receptor will drain through the nerve to the cough center in the brain. Here will give signals to the muscles of the body to remove foreign objects before, until there was a cough.

Examples of sputum is the name given to the mucus coughed up from the lower airways. It is usually used for microbiological investigations of respiratory infections. The best sputum samples contain very little saliva,because it is contaminating the sample with oral bacteria.

Sputum can be:

· Bloody (often found in tuberculosis) (hemoptysis)

· Rusty colored - usually caused by bacterial pneumonia (in pneumonia)

· Purulent - containing pus. Color can provide clues for effective treatment in patients with chronic bronchitis

color (mukopurulen), yellow-greenish showed that treatment with antibiotics can reduce symptoms. The green color is caused by Neutrophil myeloperoxidase.

by me..

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